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George Webb - Investigative Journalist (Twitter)


History Wasn’t Always Just Another CIA Story.

Robert Allen Hale raped three of his kids to have more kids.

George really lays it out. R. A. H. threatened his family…

This area is teaming w banks. SVC etc and it’s owned by a very wealthy Chinese family. This whole part right here where I drive on the El Camino under Highway 92.
One particular business stands out to me it’s called Golden Lotus - this is their website, and I somehow suspect they are part of some sort of money, laundering situation out here and the hub of the entire family. goldenlotusantique.com

The buildings tell. Story. Shape. Sigils. Names. Designs. Angles. They ALWAYS tell on themsleves. Masonic code.
Fish. Fishburn. Eggs. Fish heads. Epstein stripes. And more! Sow sowwy sooo sowwy oh yeah Im sure you are.


The repulsine engine is a major topic. I was shown by a master electrician - Brent R. Mosley - that in fact, there are numerous of these machines all around the world now in the form of public art; the most famous of which was at 9-11 and is now in Battery Park NY. These are utilized by the Deep State Ka-Baal (zionists) to make weather, EQs and whatever they want to keep fear and control on high.

Don’t believe me. I dont care. It is true however.

I shall be preparing a longer video on this 2017 study of mine about this topic at a later date.

The Nazis are all over but especially in California.

This segment of this video is super vital!


Proof the fuel we use is renewable and that top down directives steered us away from an easier more ecological way of living! We need this now. More than ever.

I wasn’t gonna do this one but here it is. Im fans of both but it had to be said. Jim is gorgeous and Bob hilarious. There’s just something about these two!

There’s been deep dives about Gilligans Island… and well, Jim is Jesus.

Steve McQueen begins the linkathon to David Letterman to Paul Walker to Tim Ballard - probable Kennedy connection

Time warp time - are they related or is it cloney time? Gidget & Katie cute surfer gilrs - girl next door

911 This footage aired once on 2001-9-11, never to be seen again. Be Careful, You Can't Unsee It!

UFO imo w 1993 crash. No plane found

K A - 11-1
A S - 1 19

These two are trans w boob jobs
No hips - cloned off or secret daughter
Hollyweird has it goin on
Central casting
HRT & tradesmen

George is in Las Vegas NV after the Smirnoff trial.

Title: George Webb - Investigative Journalist - Twitter & Substack

Time to subpoena the Biden Blackberrys yet?

An important segment of the show - The Duke Report w. Peter Duke and George Webb regarding Alexander Smirnoffs trial in Las Vegas, NV. on 2-20-2024 (FBI whistle blower)

(Black Rabbit is me.. I AM frequent participant and research decoder on all of George Webbs broadcasts since Seth Rich in 2017) The friend of Smirnoffs referenced is linked w some possible subterfuge activities in the entertainment industry. Apparently, as Peter states, this happens a lot in “Hollyweird”.

George was the only reporter there. No FOX/CBS/NBC. He interviewed Smirnoffs lawyer outside after the court let out.

This is REAL citizen journalism folks. With a huge well seasoned research team crowd sourced - GW knocks it outta tye ball park every time . Dave Underdown is a phenomenal adjunct to the team and always has the name and title connections at the ready.

Catch the entirety of the show here: https://www.youtube.com/live/wBbCmFJANa0?si=nLRxotF1nPJkA-40

Woman stands up to Trudeau - Accusing him of selling Canada out for Globalism. She then goes on the remind him that they used to hang traitors in Canada. 🔥🔥🔥

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Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spy Plane - TR3b Black Manta

Lara Logan Drops SERIOUS Truth Bombs about Russia, Ukraine & Deep State Lies.

George Webb - Investigative Journalist (Twitter)

Supreme Court now trying to yank Trump off the ballot. Our defense of J6 for Trump is far from over.

George Webb - Investigative Journalist (Twitter)

“Get ready for the Super Bowl of democracy to be played out over the next three weeks.” We have everything. There’s nothing they can do. J6 fiduciary evidence RUS.

Twins? Separated at birth? THE POWER OF NOW. OWN Oprah Winfreys favorite author! NWO much? Warren is White - pig people

Donald Trump is James Dean. Dean was killed by Donald Turnipseed - Ford hits Porsche 1955 - 24yrs old. Nancy Pelosi is Nathalie Wood and more…

My discovery through packages of data sent to me in 2017 - banned on facebook. Show a phenomenon wherein people have returned somehow and are hidden amongst us now. Very important people. God bless them! There’s more to it than this… next study will be the Suppressed technology & Weaponized art bit CIAo 4 neow - - jz @blackrabbit https://t.me/blackrabbitdetectives on telegram

Whistleblowers come forward to share horrific information about the co¥!d jabs, how the jabs are causing a stillbirth epidemic and how they cause infertility amongst women.️

There is something important to note here. The Tailor was Swift when River Phoenix was snipped and tucked - the socialism media is to blame for this atrocity. Demons take souls and he was innocent.

ICYMI — Damning J6 footage of Nancy Pelosi on the phone with Mike Pence (Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) nearby) has emerged that shows Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) both in the shot and not in the shot. Pre-recorded?

Subscribe and share 👉 @StormIsUponUsJM

Dr. Shiva just recently came out and explained Adrenochrome in a similar way to what most of us have been saying.
Stress plus anxiety produces the most potent adrenochrome/adrenaline.
Very interesting to see a doctor elaborate on this subject.
Where are you at now?
Do you believe adrenochrome is 100% real when it comes to children or do we still need more proof?


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Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

70 videos

Category Education

I wil show tRuth dna mKe U tHynq